Sunday, April 16, 2017


3rd Grade Health Standard 6:  The students will understand how a healthy diet and exercise can increase the likelihood of physical and mental wellness.
Objective 1: Compare personal eating habits with a balanced diet.
  • Record daily food intake. 
  • Determine a balanced diet based on the Food Guide Pyramid. 
Objective 2: Identify nutrient groups and the key functions of each.
  • Identify nutrient groups; i. e. , proteins, fats, water, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals. 
  • Name foods rich in key nutrients. 
  • Define the functions of basic nutrient groups. 
Objective 3: Examine the dangers of dysfunctional eating.

  • Identify common reasons for dieting; e. g., health, peer pressure, unhappy with looks and/or size, weight loss. 
  • Predict the effect fad diets may have on health. 
Objective 3: Assess personal fitness level.
  • Measure heart rate. 
  • Record the results of participation in aerobic, strength, endurance, and flexibility testing. 
Ed Tech Standard 5:Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.

ISTE: Empowered Learner- Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.

I created a Prezi presentation to be a part of a discussion about health and nutrition.  This would be the first lesson of a series of health lessons.  I thought this would be a fun way to learn about nutrition and then the students could work together in small groups and come up with their own presentation about nutrition.  I feel like nutrition can be pushed aside as "less important" lately and I feel like with technology lately children have gotten lazy, so this would be a good way to teach them that a healthy diet and regular exercise is very important for them to get i the habit of doing now.

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